Choosing the Best Asbestos Surveys Companies in Australia

Asbestos is a frightening specter looming over the landscape and living beings. Thankfully it has been banned but millions of tons of asbestos can be found across the face of Australia in the form of insulation, asbestos cement sheets, pipes, gutters, and industrial components. Look at any building that dates back to the 1980s and before that and it is likely to have asbestos present in one form or the other. Asbestos does not deteriorate and poses a health risk Asbestos may be hidden but that does not mean it does not pose a threat. Loose asbestos known as friable asbestos can disperse from broken insulation covers over heaters and boilers. Older cement bonded asbestos sheets deteriorate and asbestos can crumble and disperse. Once it does it can get into the respiratory and digestive tract. This can result in asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer for which there is no cure. If you own or live in a building in which you suspect asbestos is present it is best to call in any o...