Expert Soil Classification Melbourne Services Help You Stay EPA Compliant

There was a time when one could carry out excavation during construction and then transport and dump the soil waste elsewhere. Today the scenario is entirely different. You simply cannot transport and dump soil waste anywhere and in any way you please. Contractors and property developers must adhere to EPA Waste Classification Guideline 2014 for proper soil waste disposal. Soil waste needs to be classified and this influences how the waste soil is disposed of. Soil classification Melbourne services come into play to help in soil sampling, testing and classification reports compliant with EPA guidelines. Classification Determines How Soil Waste Can Be Transported And Disposed Of A thorough test is necessary where soil waste is generated. The test determines, among other things, as to whether the soil has any contaminant that would pose environmental or health hazards. It can be classified as hazardous waste or non-hazardous waste. The classification determines dis...