Asbestos Management Plans Australia Crucial for Environment Safety, Health Safety and Regulatory Compliances

Safe Work has defined policies for asbestos use, management, removal and disposal in Australia to comply with WHS regulations. Given the fact that asbestos was extensively mined in the country and friable as well as nonfriable forms of asbestos were used in a variety of buildings still in existence since use began in 1940s, it is tough to remove asbestos entirely. Therefore, regulations and best practices have been developed for asbestos management plans Australia.

Assessing asbestos risk in Australia

While the primary focus on asbestos risk is on workplaces where asbestos is likely to be present in large amounts, even home owners benefit by undertaking assessment of asbestos risks with the help of company specializing in asbestos management plans Australia. This usually involved visits by Safe Work certified assessors who will inspect the premises, identify presence of asbestos and its present condition. This will be followed by asbestos management plans to remove asbestos where feasible or to encapsulate it to prevent fibers dispersing in the air.

Managing risk 

If asbestos is found within the premises then the professionals from asbestos management plans Australia company will outline control measures or removal measures depending on practicality of the situation and condition of asbestos. A typical plan includes factors such as:
  • Location of asbestos in the premises and delineate it in the plan. 
  • Decisions on management of asbestos and control procedures and outline procedures involving asbestos and personnel who handle asbestos
  • Review the plan every five years or when there is a change in status quo
  • Make the plan available to workers and to PCBU
  • Train and educate workers on potential risks of asbestos and importance of wearing protective clothing. 
  • Spray or brush on encapsulating material on asbestos to bind asbestos fibers and prevent dispersal. 
  • Prepare a time table to manage risks with dates and review procedures
  • Monitor air quality to detect presence of asbestos fibers. 
  • Engage a licensed removalist to remove asbestos if it is found that removing it is a good idea. 
  • Create and maintain a register.

If it is a workplace the management plan for asbestos could include more details such as:
Monitor health of workers. This includes workmen inside the premises as well as removal workers. Such records need to be maintained for 40 years.

If goods containing asbestos are being imported then the company specializing in asbestos management plans Australia will assist to ensure conformity with laws.

Managing asbestos has a hierarchy of control measures such as:
  • Elimination of source of hazard which can be done by removing asbestos. 
  • If this is not possible then the risk is minimized or reduced to isolate the hazard by enclosing or encapsulating or sealing asbestos. 
  • Deploy administrative controls and safe work practices.
While it is not obligatory, it is recommended that industries and commercial segments call in asbestos management experts to identify presence of asbestos and, if found, put in place asbestos management plans Australia fully compliant with Safe Work guidelines and WHS Act. 


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